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Research opportunities

AMSRA have a lot of relations to doctors & mentors in the research field, then we provide this opportunity to the worthy students, surly if you are a part of ARC (AMSRA Research club) project then your chances of having that opportunity is much bigger.

Researches courses

in addition to the one day beneficial sessions that AMSRA provides, there are the expansive long courses that students can sign up for, such as the ARC project & NIH IPPCR course.

Sessions & projects

AMSRA is committed to spread science & knowledge to its audiences, and out of that point a lot of projects came out, such as the podcasting of TEDMED, invitation of national & international experts to give great sessions or even preparing a healthy food court at the healthy food day.

Position in the association

at the end of each year, AMSRA opens the doors for the interested student to become a part of its great family, interviews are held to choose the students that fits AMSRA member’s criteria.

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